Tuesday, January 12, 2010

so far................so good

I'm getting ready to have my second weigh in.....I think I have lost.....I have this very old scale from the 30's....I love it...and it loves me.....we live in this old Victorian....(money pit) therefore our floors really aren't that level...understand?......soooooooo when one gets on the scale one gets an estimate......some days that estimate has one jumping up and down and other days it has one wanting to kick it or better still wishing one believed in guns as one would blow it to pieces........OK? Today was a good day on the scale......but the main king/queen of all weigh ins will be Wednesday night.......

I made the black bean brownies..........if desperate for something chocolate....just eat a chocolate morsel..........

My number two child has my camera...otherwise I would update my peacock rug to show my thousands of readers...........

1 comment:

Vee said...

You *must* provide details on the black bean brownie outcome!

It's imperative