Sunday, June 29, 2008

I am itching, yes itching..... I am having an allergic reaction to my work environment....well...maybe not....but I am itching. I have hives from head to toe right now. I have taken 50mg of benadryl so will hopefully calm down. It's more of a nerves to hive thing...you see the big cast iron bathtub upstairs...well...PF tells me something is leaking..it is the pipe and plumbers they are not cheap...so the itching..the hives...a circle of love. When I had gutted the upstairs bathroom I had that heavy tub on its side and put much effort in getting the "sticky tile like crap" off of it. It was reattached to said plumbing by a friend. I thought all was right with the thing...now 4 years down the road a pipe is leaking. No way can I flip that baby on its side..not again...so the plumber. I'll have another attack of hives tomorrow or whenever "the plumber" comes as they rule in this universe. If you are a plumber, please forgive me I only jest...but I still have itchy hives........................... Oh the picture is a before the demolition.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
items I collect
I was a strange child...I have always loved antiques...when I was 12yrs I obtained my first piece of pressed glass and it grew from there..........
This was the first gailwilsondesign angel I made few years back.
I collect folk art particularly Noah's arks but only handmade..out of real wood... and from local people. The angel with watermelon came from Nancy Thomas in Yorktown, Va. I have many of her items BEFORE she did the made in China thing. The Ark came from a local man that lives a few miles behind me.....sadly he no longer makes them. They are a thing of beauty! Now to get off and go to work..............
Monday, June 23, 2008
one of those days
Ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong? Hello out there...I'm in one of those vortexes...is that spelled right? Do I care? Noooooooooooo. I should have stayed in bed, pulled the covers over my head. I thought about going to Gerties..it's a small back roads grocery/sandwich making place. Butttttt, I found this picture of PF with #2 son and realized I have to get over this....... This is our sweet son that has Asperger's. He was 3 yrs in that picture.......I can hear him now....when you ask him to say grace he says "grace" when you pull into the driveway he would yell HOME............
Friday, June 20, 2008
I must say son #1 and son #3 did a pretty good job maintaining the home front for the 3 days we were gone. In other words no doggie accidents, rooms kept decent....I'll take that. I got to even hook on my rug for an hour last night. I took off from work this Thursday and Friday so it feels like a HOLIDAY. So, here I am killing more time. I'll post an update to the house soon...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
more hints
more hints
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
The killer weekend
I have just gotten home, maybe an hour ago and I should be in bed asleep. I am messing with this blog. I dread the weekends...realllyyyy I dooooo . I am kind of job specific and work alone, which is good and bad. I have arguments with myself and I always win..that is a good thing..but then the no break no lunch..well..that is a half good thing, I refer to the eating. Now getting off subject..this is my blog thing so who cares? I have gotten bursitis in my left heel...who the hell gets bursitis in their heel of all places?? Tell me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee! I do not ware crazy shoes with heels I only ware Z-coils..maybe Z-coil people will see this ad and give me another pair of these babies, as they are not, I repeat, not cheap. I do write in run on sentences. The end for now.
This and that....
I am taking a breather, wasting time, tick tock, tick tock....... I got in around 11pm from work last night. PF is out of town. Son #1 asked me to make sure he got up by 5:15AM...I say sure why not.... So I get him up then can't get back to sleep..it is now maybe 6:30. I get up clean the kitchen, start a load of never ending laundry and change into my very sexy walking clothes. It's cloudy today so no hat. Do that damn walk thing. Realize I need to get the van to the car place for an oil change. Quick shower, take my wet uncombed hair and throw it in a rather strange bun with the antenna's(combs). I'm off..... I have to NOW get ready for work. Son#4 is going to Nature Camp for two weeks, he leaves Sunday. PF has to come back from his top secret job take #4 to the camp. Unfortunately, we will have to celebrate Dad's day on Monday. When #1 was much younger he asked why couldn't we celebrate children's day..good question...I told him EVERY day was children's day...I don't think he believed me?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
more on rug of pain....
Thanks for the comments privately and on the blog. It ended the end of April....our family is trying to get back to being a real family. How many parents can say their daughter when age 16 took care of their Grandmother so the Mom could work on Thursdays and Friday nights?! She fed her and and put her in the shower then gave her her breathing treatment and put her to bed. This was not a 30 minute job.... God gave me an angel when that child was born! She and her other 2 brothers also look out for our son#3. I know they will take care of him when we "kick the bucket" that means a great deal to PF and myself. And so I will end the mushy stuff....
Now we are looking forward to our first vacation in nearly 6 years...which will be another adventure in itself........
Now we are looking forward to our first vacation in nearly 6 years...which will be another adventure in itself........
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The rug of Pain
Lets see how to begin.....for 4 very, very long years I took total care of my mother in law. She lived with us, it was hard, very hard! I bathed and showered that woman morning and night and more if needed. She was not pleasant and her daughter was worse. She had dementia in the last 3 years of her life. So, you ask what in the hell were you thinking? Well, I did this because my husband asked me and I wanted my children to know family takes care of each other...no matter what. It took a toll on me and that is all I will say.....this rug is my rug of pain...many tears are embedded in the wool. For those that also go down this path.....I feel your pain, truly!
you can compare the pictures
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Another day another dollar.............
I'll try a larger font size, especially since I am in trifocal land. Don't you just love getting old.............
I always have aspirations to sleep in, dream on baby! Got up at 06:45 with the hubby (I'll call him PF....I really don't do the darling thing to him..of course, he MUST call me Darling baby or sweet princess..I'm getting off track) Got into my running/ walking/cleaning clothes...I must explain...it consists of a pair of old sweats that have gotten smaller in the length. They hover below the knees somewhat..I have bleach stains that look like hand prints as I constantly clean with the stuff and am forever ruining my clothes by forgetting, then wiping on my hind parts. So get the picture? I have an old sort of shirt I stole from PF and finally broke down to buy a runners bra. OK, I get the hat as I have very fair skin(princess remember) then get the ipod, oh put the sunglasses on and out I go. I do my 3 miles, which I hate, but I would truly blow up like a side of beef. My youngest is 15 and I still carry weight from him or so I tell people. My #3 child says I am just blown up with air...I need to suck it out NOW. So, I walk/run every day but the weekend. I then go into cook /clean mode as I am working this evening.....I am taking a break with my stinky /sweaty self wasting time with this blog. I have to vacuum the upstairs then its off to run errands. I am hoping to squeeze some me time for finishing this rug of pain..........another long story.........to save for another day.........
I always have aspirations to sleep in, dream on baby! Got up at 06:45 with the hubby (I'll call him PF....I really don't do the darling thing to him..of course, he MUST call me Darling baby or sweet princess..I'm getting off track) Got into my running/ walking/cleaning clothes...I must explain...it consists of a pair of old sweats that have gotten smaller in the length. They hover below the knees somewhat..I have bleach stains that look like hand prints as I constantly clean with the stuff and am forever ruining my clothes by forgetting, then wiping on my hind parts. So get the picture? I have an old sort of shirt I stole from PF and finally broke down to buy a runners bra. OK, I get the hat as I have very fair skin(princess remember) then get the ipod, oh put the sunglasses on and out I go. I do my 3 miles, which I hate, but I would truly blow up like a side of beef. My youngest is 15 and I still carry weight from him or so I tell people. My #3 child says I am just blown up with air...I need to suck it out NOW. So, I walk/run every day but the weekend. I then go into cook /clean mode as I am working this evening.....I am taking a break with my stinky /sweaty self wasting time with this blog. I have to vacuum the upstairs then its off to run errands. I am hoping to squeeze some me time for finishing this rug of pain..........another long story.........to save for another day.........
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The trip to Union station in DC
I do NOT like to go places I have never been driving myself, even if I am a passenger and have been on the trip many times! My husband usually takes care of the driving and I tell him he is going the wrong way, or slow down, or just whatever I feel like! Alas, he had a meeting and I was on my own....I did have my daughter and one of my sons and a Garmin...but still not the same. We made it with 35 minutes to spare and then I forced myself to buy some much needed items at L'Occitane. We got our lunch at the corner deli...to go, of course! My number 3 child and I sat in the car in the parking garage, pigging out. He has Aspergers and sensory overload was kicking in, thus the car. We then turned our Garmin on and heard recalculating many times..called my hubby for back up and began our trip back home. There was quite a bit of screaming..on my part...as I knew I was lost and well I scream and say I am lost. Poor child #3 tries to calm me but I am way gone...We are now home from a white knuckle drive. My head is throbbing ......I need a perin tablet. Got that from the Birdcage movie......I watch it on a weekly schedule.....it saves my sanity.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
First post
It has taken me bits and pieces of the day to put this together. Will try to do more later. I am in the process of scraping years of paint off this old lady. Tomorrow I take my sweet child to catch the train to NY state. She stays at her college to work during the summer. I will miss her.
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