Wednesday, September 29, 2010

C A T T L E S C A L E it is

Time to face the music! OK.......(.4) pounds the daughter said sarcastically, "Just 2 cellphones" Actually, I thought it was going to be the dawling says, We can't live in that food bubble forever.......

I am running a slight bit over one mile now...which I am finding amazing for my old self! The fat is sloshing as I run but I'm making progress. So, one step backwards and maybe two forward?


Jacque. said...

ohyeah, definitely 2 steps forward, Lindy. .4 doesn't even register on most scales. I give you tons of credit for hanging in there when you have felt so discouraged. Just remember...Rome wasn't built in a day. Keep up the good work!

Vee said...

You should be punished for your bad behaviour by working this weekend--

You'd better be there!

Lindy said...

I'll be there.........
all .4 pounds heavier