Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy luck of the Irish and all that stuff.......

I am feeling OK about the cattle loss..... no gain...maintained......which is good...... cause peoples....I've been a cooking fool this week!!!! I am not working during the week days this week, I am only working the am cooking and working out....Monday night I burned nearly 1,500 calories...I went in the AM and PM....but due to the over exercised insanity, I was able to do very little on Tuesday.............. But I am back to my insanity in the workout department now! I am making a 10 inch blackbottom pie for Friday.......why then.......I will be working and thus will not have to indulge self in the heavenly bliss.......all for child #4 he is home for spring break................. going to watch Morning Glory on "puter"

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