Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tweets and such

OK, this person just registered for the tweet thing. Let us pray as I have not a clue what the heck I'm doing!!!!! All to "win" some I don't have enough! Although I would like to win something other than a toilet! Yes, years ago I was putting self through college and this new supply store place was opening "they" were giving away a trip for two to Hawaii. Me being me filled out four thousand and one a phone call from "the store" I had won "something"......knew it was the trip...just knew it!!! Yep....won me a damn toilet!

Oh, must add...beat the dawling again in the weight loss! me thinks he cheats!


Anonymous said...

A toitie??? You actually won one? Too bad it didn't happen when you were doing all those renovations!

You should be proud of your steady and healthy weight loss. You're doing a lot better than I am! How much total does that make since January? I'll bet it's adding up!

Lindy said...

close to 12 pounds in 10 weeks....taking me forever!