Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two things.........

I know everyone out in the blog-o-sphere land is waiting with bated breath...the lost poundage on the cattle scale is......... are you ready? OK... 1.2 pounds...what is it with that number? The dawling lost 2.2 pounds........damn, damn man.

The next collective peep is in the life of yours truly.....
The story, (as we all have one).....we won't go into the cause..too long and much involved and rather "secretive" now I have your interest.......spill please....... OK OK.......

Last night I was in slumber land...woke very abruptly...felt a sharp stabbing pain in the upper part of gut....upset stomach...maybe? poisoning from the ww diet?...(we should all be so lucky) the big D?....oh lord, hold your ears..are rather shut your this is the good part.....I tried 4 or 5 times to reach said bathroom.....but my brain got foggy....knew the ole BP was got fat self on floor....then got up to retry.....finally made to bathroom...that's when the trouble started.....the dawling is following me during this venture...wanting to call the "squad peoples" ....Now I hate and detest not being in is in my oldest son apparently was in the bathroom asking me questions which frankly... I do not remember...the squad people came...I knew I had a vagel response and would snap out of it..but the little dawlings were scared and I was lying on my rug of pain..oh yes....can you believe that?....I'm thinking isn't this just wonderful......but first things first....I may have no BP....but the dawling was "ordered" to help yours truly clean self up....actually it was funny.....when the peoples came...he told them I was disoriented and "combative"......he threw that in to shut me up......the BP was 70/38...I really was feeling fine at that I wanted to strangle the dawling.....I love him!....the ride in the big green and white vehicle was horrible....I knew my rhythm was normal and told him to hang a liter of saline wide open.....don't mess with me I am a the ED I refused most of the tests...they were stupid and cost money...and you know what?... in the end...I was right.....vagel response to the pain in said gut......the end of an expensive ride to the local place of care..........


Vee said...

What are we going to do with you??

Lindy said...

Not a thing....I am a nurse...I have the orange glow badge that says so...

Robin said...

When oh when will they listen to the patient??? Especially when the patient is a nurse. Even a pig-headed one!???!!!!!! Glad you're OK.