Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On the road

This is actually coming home from work but what the heck......

The child #4 and my Mr. PF left around 2pm on the college trail. I really wish I could have gone....oh well...

I have been painting the deck like a mad woman...really a crazy woman..... as the mosquitoes are killing me. They and the flies really like me my blood it's quite appealing. Are you jealous?

I need to finish hooking this sorry excuse of a squirrel so.....I hook...........


craftingaplenty said...

I love the mountains. I don't think your squirle is sorry, I think he is cute.

Lindy said...

Thanks....you are a party of one in regards to the squirrel.....she is quite bad! But I thank you for your support! You are too kind!