Monday, March 3, 2014

Weather is the same as previous month

Nothing different, we are still in Winter...only the month changedPrevious picture of snow applies here...I have a feeling our heating bill will change.  I really would love this weather if I didn't have a gimp shoulder.  I can't do a lot of what I would love to do in the I sit, and sit.  Sometimes I work on simple needlework projects, but frankly, my mind gets bored after a whileReading gets boringpretty much a lot of things get boring.  My dawling took me to the Philly garden show...and to see our daughter....only my dawling was getting over a very bad case of Norovirus, then came down with a bad head that was that!  We are home, watching the snow,

he is in bed sleeping.  I am here.  Pictures I did take............


Tammy Burks said...

The garden show looked inspiring! So nice to see things that are green and blooming instead of all the white, grey and brown!! Yes, I'm bored with things too and I love winter, but I must say, this year, I've had my fill.

acorn hollow said...

Oh it is nice this time of year to go to a garden show it makes you feel hopeful I hope hubby is on the mend it doesn't sound like much fun.

Jacque. said...

What a breath of fresh air it must have been to attend the garden show! I am so tired of winter. I think everyone - with or without a gimp shoulder - is restless this year. So, hang in will end.

Dawn said...

Wow, that's a great show!