Friday, March 22, 2013

Nothing much

Really haven't done too much .  Physical therapy seems to have taken over my life of late.  The weather has been crazy in these "parts" minute it's in the 60's then it's 20 something...where are you spring..........

The puppies are puppies.....Digby makes you smile ALL THE TIME! He does his stuff outside but from then on "we" use the kitchen.....just dribbles.......he is only 16 weeks old...... Mr. Max has it down!  He just like to chews your really nice shoes up, not the cheap ones though...only the best.

Spring..........................I think I miss you............


Jacque. said...

I owe you an email, but will make a quick comment in the meantime. The puppies are fun...right? I adore puppies...and not just others' having them myself. Hope spring comes soon...for all of us!

Robin said...

Puppies are like having toddlers again! The pics are so cute!!! Hope you're done with PT soon. It is so time consuming.