Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My update

This is going to be a running montage (which hopefully is spelled right....but to break it down a bunch of crap I have been doing of late) .....................
Here goes..............

 #1. Two Puppies (Digby) is the one pictured you have already seen Max (he has separation anxiety).  This is what happens when you give yourself a pity party and are high on tramadol.  (I know, how does one get high on that drug...it is an excuse, just go with the damn thing!)I do love him...damn puppy!

Then #2 went to a quilt show, didn't help the economy too much.............

#3 we had a bunch of snow hit....20 inches

I took those looking out the second floor I just didn't feel like walking out to take a picture of our house.......yep another damn pity party........SO... we went to the Philly Flower show..............




Jacque. said...

Okay, so the puppy is dang cute, the quilts are awesome, the snow is yuck and the flower show...well, are flowers. Pity party over, yet? xoxo Jacque.107 xayerso

Lindy said...


Robin said...

That quilt of the woman - her hair is amazing. Still like the traditional ones best, though. Look for Apple Mountain Quilts as you go to quilt shows. LeeAnn is the owner and used to come to my rug camps. Don't think she has much time for hooking now.