Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And now

Big ugh!!!!!!!! I gained (.2) stinking pounds for this week........Blast and double blast! There was no cheating.........tons of water was consumed.....I always forget not to drink before the weigh in....alas....I still would like to blow that scale to smithereens! I will lose next week by golly or I will blow that scale up!!!

The dawling looks very hunky in his "tight fitting Tee shirt" ahh...the muscles.....I need to update with a picture of the muscle man.... dawling...............


Jacque. said...

Lindy...hang in there...a bitty setback not even worth mentioning. You'll get it and more off.

JoJo said...

Hang in there, Lindy. It's hard when it's this hot and all you want to do is drink.

I finally smashed my plateau! I'm now down 60 pounds from the date of my diagnosis. If I go back two years, when I was at my high point, I'm down 80 pounds!!! I'm so proud of ME>