Friday, January 9, 2009

The outside of the money has stopped due to weather

Before shot of dinning room

After shot of dinning room .....ignore the elf put it there ...pre Christmas son insisted on the angel..he wanted it there..... so there it is.....
The weather has gotten too cold...the steps are done with only one coat of primer...will update next week.........have to do that work thing...I stay over for my weekend...sooooooo much fun......


JoJo said...

Lindy, I wish I lived close enough to you to take lessons on home repair, remodeling and maintenance from you. I can never quite get over how much you get done....from taking care of kids and a husband, working a full time job, doing all of this work on your home and still managing to get hooking done. Maybe we should rename you Wonder Woman!

Lindy said...

You're very sweet. I think the more you have to take care of the more you do. Plus, it helps that I seem to sleep less than usual! I have been burning the midnight oil to complete this baby quilt. Hope to post picture soon. I really haven't hooked for over a month. As for the home...I think I was a builder in my previous life?!