Monday, December 31, 2012


We got another puppy!  It's a pound pup, we have had our sweet Max for two weeks and he is wonderful!  He is only 12 pounds of sweetness and is 7 months old.  I don't know much other than he was saved from a kill facility by a wonderful rescue.  When I called her she showed me pictures and boom, we were in.  He has tons of Jack russel and wire haired terrier in him.  He was abused so is scared of my two older sons and strangers.  Slowly he is coming around, with lots of kisses and hugs.  My Golden and cardigan have taken to him quite fine, we were nervous about that but no worries!  He and my son #4 are like glue.  Now for the pictures....
Also,  have an update of the rug!


Jacque. said...

ohhhhh...Max is so cute...seems to have blossomed! And...ohmygosh...your rug! It is absolutely gorgeous!! Course, having seen your rugs, I had no doubt that this one would be beautiful, also! You rock!! Happy New Year!

acorn hollow said...

he is a sweetie, Your rug is amazing!looks like your on your way to a great finish.