Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two things.........

I know everyone out in the blog-o-sphere land is waiting with bated breath...the lost poundage on the cattle scale is......... are you ready? OK... 1.2 pounds...what is it with that number? The dawling lost 2.2 pounds........damn, damn man.

The next collective peep is in the life of yours truly.....
The story, (as we all have one).....we won't go into the cause..too long and much involved and rather "secretive" now I have your interest.......spill please....... OK OK.......

Last night I was in slumber land...woke very abruptly...felt a sharp stabbing pain in the upper part of gut....upset stomach...maybe? poisoning from the ww diet?...(we should all be so lucky) the big D?....oh lord, hold your ears..are rather shut your this is the good part.....I tried 4 or 5 times to reach said bathroom.....but my brain got foggy....knew the ole BP was got fat self on floor....then got up to retry.....finally made to bathroom...that's when the trouble started.....the dawling is following me during this venture...wanting to call the "squad peoples" ....Now I hate and detest not being in is in my oldest son apparently was in the bathroom asking me questions which frankly... I do not remember...the squad people came...I knew I had a vagel response and would snap out of it..but the little dawlings were scared and I was lying on my rug of pain..oh yes....can you believe that?....I'm thinking isn't this just wonderful......but first things first....I may have no BP....but the dawling was "ordered" to help yours truly clean self up....actually it was funny.....when the peoples came...he told them I was disoriented and "combative"......he threw that in to shut me up......the BP was 70/38...I really was feeling fine at that I wanted to strangle the dawling.....I love him!....the ride in the big green and white vehicle was horrible....I knew my rhythm was normal and told him to hang a liter of saline wide open.....don't mess with me I am a the ED I refused most of the tests...they were stupid and cost money...and you know what?... in the end...I was right.....vagel response to the pain in said gut......the end of an expensive ride to the local place of care..........

Monday, February 22, 2010

Quilting a.....

Big ole Depression pattern, double size quilt, for child number 2. I have very, very many blocks to cut, piece and then connect.......That thing hanging up on the wall...easy to make....poster board with flannel stapled to the back.....and that #2 child will be the pattern only many, many more!!!!!!

On another note made some hot (ye-ow), spicy chili....recipe is a mix of Weight watchers and my brain....points...why only 7 for 1/2 cup...loaded with red and black beans! Be glad...very glad you don't live near....our money it will blow if one lights a match....can you say methane gas...and not from the septic line...get the picture?!

See the bottom of that quilt...look to the left... I had the block going the wrong way....good thing I took a picture!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

and weight loss....

Am I ever going to break two pounds? The cattle scale showed 1.8 pounds of lard lost. Maybe next week the cattle scale will show 2 pounds?

A good one goes....

I filled it to the brim......I can't at least I can a good way! I went to Talbot's....the myself a few sweaters that were 30% off and then used my 15% off Birthday bash card...I spent less then 50 dollars...good job! Williams and Sonoma.....once more went to the outlet...everything with major sale I had a coupon for another 10% off the total! I was lusting after an ALL-Clad copper core sauce pan...they were all gone! So, I picked up some spoons and such......didn't really spend much at all.....the dawling was pleased!

Our wonderful dinner......please....we went per my request to Chick fil a
I got the grilled garden salad...5 points per ww...

The weigh in is tonight...keep fingers crossed!

Sunday night came home to.....

The card is now hermetically (I'm still shocked I spelled this word correctly) sealed in a beloved Grandmother gave it to me years was given to her as a child by her neat is that! I have another with Easter but will save for later....OK?!

The dawling bought me one dozen lovely roses....I especially love the pink and white one!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finally done

Finally, after many long months, this Peacock rug(design from Primitive Spirit) is finished! It matches Rug of Pain....both will be in bathroom upstairs............still needs to be whipped....not beaten-ed...although I may, if it talks back to me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weigh in time

OK .........OK.........only lost .4 damn damn pounds. Haven't cheated....think I am going to cut out some carbs.......will see next week if more progress happens.

This fatty, waddle, woman has a birthday sweet stuff! My "me" time will be going to "Le" Williams and Sonoma Outlet...with a side adventure to L'Occitane.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Guess what

I am still in brain is turning inside out...and that folks is not a pretty picture....."we" (as in the collective form of the word)..............we are suppose to get more snow..... and then some sleet sprinkled on the's possible "we" may get up to 5 inches!!!!! Happy Days!!!!! Our last snow netted us 28 inches!!! It is up to the top of the birdbath.....Our wing flying friends have finally discovered my 4 feeders.....I need to buy myself snowshoes!!! I don't ski...that would be a comedy in and of itself....I can I can do that snow walk thing....sorry, can't remember the name of it.........This has turned into one of the best winters.......I love snow...I embrace it...why I even kiss it!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday's snow...yes we have more

These were taken in the morning....the dawling was in charge of Wolfie and Chauncey. I was in charge of the camera. A stroll through the neighborhood.....we dug out the vehicles......As of now I believe we have 21 inches...maybe more...who's counting?

Friday, February 5, 2010

snow snow snow......

It's wonderful, it's cold, it's wet, it's yellow in places...but gets covered real is fluffy.....I love the snow.....we have a near blizzard going on....well... maybe I've exaggerated a tad...only a tad....truly....

The dawling is making the boys shovel snow every hour or two. We must stay on top of this snow! As per the dawling...........

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It is cattle scale weigh in time....

Looks like I lost .8 pounds.......not a pound but close...kept the jacket on for emergencies ......for when nothing is no no...

got the car stuck in the driveway....the dawling was not happy...I thought it was funny...child number 3 and the old lady pushed it out.....we gave each other a high five but the dawling a raspberry.....he had a "burger" in his nose.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 DO love me after all......

What is it it Tuesday.....can I believe it? Have I been rolling around in the wetness.....have I fallen into the yellow tinged depths of it.....have my children(sorry, young adults) come out to have fun in to that one.......but the dogs did.... and they played and played and....sweet Molly(Golden, turns 14 in deaf ....the elderly woman is chasing said dog to get back in the house....she will walk away and have to get the hunting party out) sorry went out on a wee tangent there......the dogs ate snow and peed and made number 2 spots all over the was glorious...I took pictures but after the fact....3 dogs, 2 hands, one camera.....not good...........

Monday, February 1, 2010

Can it be true....

Is it a joke......have I been bad? We are suppose to get another "bit" of snow activity this Friday....Saturday......Sunday.... Will it never snow when I'm off? I would like to enjoy it...roll in it....feel the coldness....shovel it(burns points my dawlings).........make snowballs and stick them in the dawlings pants.....ahhh snow what have I done to make you hate me so?