Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The end of wool, sheep, animals..etc...for now
This is a picture of my "dawling"... I made him carry the wool. He was getting sick of the place....can't you tell? I also had to click a picture of the farm sign from Virginia. Although he was pleasantly surprised he still would rather go fly fishing....his analogy is...."Lindy when you take me on these adventures I go, but how would you like to go shop in a fishing store for hours on end?" I always say, "No Problem." Can we buy more wool? Thus, the face of disgust...... 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sheep with a story to tell
- There is a story line here
- The sheep with the coats....they were getting ready for a breakout
- The lone goat pen.....the leader was in there
- The sheep (God-des) was trying to pop out a pink egg
- The sheep pointing his hove at the green coat guy was debating in his small brain...maybe I should use him as a type of ladder and just jump out? Then what do I do?
- The bi-color sheep were just fed up and wanted to be left alone!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The rheinbeck's sheepies........some with the wool and
Friday, October 23, 2009
And still more, when will it end?
I apparently decided to take a picture of my shoe vs the floor? I did take a picture of the Peruvian band that magically appears at all festivals. More llamas for all to enjoy...the spotted one would kiss you.....but only if he liked you.....he did not like me or the daughter....we were ignored....very sad.......They did have the horsey's take you all around the fair grounds.... 

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
more of those pictures
Monday, October 19, 2009
More pictures
I had been craving this particular chicken soup for months. It was not at my "now" new and beloved diner. Thank heavens I just got a cup! My dawling got the bread, which he proceeded to put salt on? Non salt bread, it's better for your heart...but then we got cookies....the kind you smell and gain 10 pounds. I only ate one and gave the rest.....2 pounds worth to the daughter. OK, OK....finish the story about the soup...big D...tons of flatulence....not pretty, especially if you spent that particular night in a smoke filled room of toxic proportions...I'll leave with that picture roaming around in your brain.......
Our Adventure
WE had an extremely "eventful" adventure on our "get the hell out of dodge" for a few days.
1. First night wonderful...somewhere in PA.
2. Snowy, but nice drive to not so good motel in Hyde Park. We had put in our reservation 2 months ago and specifically said "NO" Smoking room. So..... we were put in a smoking room that was so high in the smoke emissions... we felt like smokers the next day. (we needed a detox program) I think we slept maybe 3 hours, periodically we had to open our door and step outside to breathe oxygen. Due to Bard's parent weekend and the wool and sheep festival nothing else was available. We woke very early, did the waddle walk and packed our things. No way were we going to stay another night....finally another room became available and we moved.
3. Got to meet Laurie, was very short visit. She did get a photo, we will all pray! Unfortunately, we were meeting the daughter and we were under time constraints. Plus the husband was getting hungry.
4. After a very fun, but hectic day at the sheep and wool thing....(did I mention I really don't do crowds well)....we headed back to our now smoke free room. We then got back in the van to cook dinner for our #2 at her shared apartment/house. This is when the trouble started. I saw this creature on My dawlings driver side....the dawling slowed down....the dawling started to veer a wee bit right, (you know, trying to avoid the deer but kill the wife thing).....I saw a ditch and trees....on my side....and then started the scream.....hit the damn deer...hit the damn deer. Well, we hit said deer front on.....that animal tore our bumper to hell, dented the hood, both headlights were cracked. You know what, the deer ran off... I on the other hand was a bad bad girl and did not have my seat-belt on.... so... got a nasty whiplash, hit my knee,and somehow turned my ankle. No... we did not go to hospital...what was the point? Many perin tablets later I am feeling better. We (me) did make the dinner....
5. Sunday was better we ate our breakfast at a truly unique diner in Red Hook, that I have now fallen in love with. The moment you walk in, throw your arms up and say real fast "to hell with the caloric intake!!!!!"
6. Pictures enclosed...will add a few a day for all to enjoy!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Getting ready
I thought I might add one more post before we hopefully (no bad luck pleaseeeeeee) hit the road..........
I'm packing light, my dawling is closing loose ends at work....
My number 3 child has a puke thing going on so please please lets hope it doesn't visit us all!!!
I just finished waddle walk......
Now making split pea soup and homemade bread......I'll need to sew my mouth for that part.......
Got to go clean, it's what I do...I love it!
My stairs now look wonderful and I am over halfway with painting the deck posts...such a pain........
I leave with a picture of my baby that really isn't my eyes he still is.............
Friday, October 9, 2009
Going on a mini trip very soon
I can't wait for next Thursday.....but then when it comes I'll be thinking...this same time the following Thursday I'll be working...again. My brain, it needs to be turned off! My dawling and I will see our #2 at Bard College . Then, I'll be dragging my dawling to Rhinebeck's sheep and wool festival. Of course my sweet child will be going with me...along with that dawling mister of mine......
So on that note I must get ready for a weekend of I love my much! Sometimes..........
Monday, October 5, 2009
A new Month a NEW Day......
In a funk......bla bla.....
After 4 "freaking" years (one can replace the "freaking" with better adjectives.....I try to be family friendly on this here blog....oh baby) I am getting the inside stairs covered. I have had the rug for 4 years...yes, really! Do you hear (read) this daughter of mine?
I need a quick infusion of caffeine....must go pick up #3 child take to that waddle walk of mine...finish painting the "Cuss word" deck.....
Change the light fixture in ceiling, along with rewire two for me today!
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