Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I have surely done it now

I kid you not....this is a true story...really....true.... or you sitting at the edge of your seat?  No?

Well, I did my lovely walk thing....sweat pouring...
Came home...outlined the flower beds with said grass cutter...for the boys to finish....
Did my cleaning thing.....
Started the dinner...started, remember that is key here.
I needed to cut some onions, was in a rush, wanted to use my fancy new knife that I can't remember the name of.....BUT instead of the onion, yep, cut my pointer finger down to the bone.  Lovely........cut that baby below the knuckle... Now normally I would not care..but I needed the suture thing and felt I had done some damage to tendons and nerves.  (This is the same person that had scissors fall point down in her thigh not too long ago).  I got myself 4 sutures and yep I cut through some nerves and tendons.  So now my pointer can not point curves was my left hand so that makes things off to milk this situation to the best of my ability......


Jacque. said...

ohman, Lindy. Are you gonna be okay? Can you still work? You poor thing...must hurt like the dickens.

Robin said...

OUCH! A couple of years ago, Taylor, my chef son, was putting one of his chef knives back in the block - which he kept up on top of the fridge for reasons unknown to me. Well, it slipped and struck his forearm - 13 stitches as a result and a long scar. I gave him a T-shirt that read "Scars are like tattoos but with better stories." Hope you heal quickly!