Friday, May 1, 2009

Window cleaning

For all the wondering what I have/am cleaning there of....
I have now completed 13 and have 15 more to go....
On a side note..while outside with my long pole reaching up to the second floor (which is kind of like the third floor since the house is 6 feet off the ground) never mind..... anyway.....I was stopped by two people wanting to know my rates, how booked I was etc....After I put my jaw back in the proper position I explained it was MY particular person was still interested.....go figure...
I clean the ole fashioned way...white vinegar, dab of dawn and plenty of water...these are my tools..... I added a picture of the smaller bed I put the slate rocks around...loads of fun...
Its off to work ......I that job...almost as much as washing windows......

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